Screen Creation and Management Tools

A. Blank Screen

Blank screen templates are basic screens that initially have no elements on them. These templates are available in three different variants:

  1. Blank
    • It is a completely blank screen; there are no elements on it.
    • You can set access controls to this screen with Anonymous Access or All Roles Access.
  2. Blank With Header
    • It is a screen template with only the Header element.
    • Only available in web applications.
  3. Blank With Header For Mobile
    • It is a screen template with only Header elements.
    • It is designed for mobile applications only.

How to Create a Blank Screen?

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  2. Open the Screens panel on the left side.
  3. Click on the “+” icon.
  4. Select the New Screen option from the menu that opens.
  5. Select one of the Blank screen types.
  6. Give your screen a name and click the CREATE button.

B. CRUD Wizard

CRUD Wizard is a tool that allows you to create screens in a few seconds, easily defining Create, Read, Update and Delete operations connected to your database. This structure is an ideal solution especially for fast development processes and standard CRUD operations.

How to Create a Screen with CRUD Wizard?

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  2. Open the Screens Panel.
  3. Click on the “+” icon.
  4. Select the New Screen option.
  5. Click on the CRUD Wizard option.
  6. Continue with the screen creation process by making the necessary settings.

CRUD Wizard Settings

1. Datasources

  • This is the section where you select which data source the screens will be connected to.
  • Here, the respective data source and data table are defined.

2. Screen Type

  • Determines how the screen to be created will be displayed.
    • Drawer: The screen animates from the right, left, top or bottom edge of the page.
    • Modal Box: The screen appears as a pop-up in the center of the current page.
    • Current Page: The screen closes the current page and opens as a new page.

3. Layout Design

  • You set how the screen appears on devices such as desktop, tablet or phone.
  • The column layout can be selected to suit different device types.

4. Choose Screen and Properties

  • Select the functions and properties of the screen to be created:
    • List Screen: Creates a screen with a Table element to list the data table.
    • Search: Adds a search field to the list screen.
    • Pagination: Adds a pagination control to the list screen.
    • Create: Creates a form screen for inserting new data.
    • View: Allows the details of an item in the table to be displayed (add an eye icon).
    • Update: Adds a form screen for updating data (Pen icon is added).
    • Delete: Adds a button and function to delete data from the list screen.

5. Screen Name

  • Set a name for the created screen.
  • After making all the settings, you can create the screen by clicking the “CREATE” button.

A “Navigate” action is automatically added to the Header of screens created with CRUD. This action opens the Left Menu screen when the menu icon is clicked. CRUD screens can then be added to the Left Menu as independent items.Thanks to CRUD Wizard, it is both fast and easy to create user-friendly screens that are fully compatible with database operations.

C. From Excel

The From Excel feature allows you to import data directly into the database by importing Excel files from your device into the Database section of your application. Each page of the Excel file you upload is considered as a table and each column header is considered as a table column. The data under the column is added to the specified table. In this way, you can easily create CRUD screens with the data in the Excel file.

How to Create From Excel Screen?

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  2. Go to the Screens panel.
  3. Click on the “+” icon.
  4. Select the Screen option.
  5. Click From Excel.

From Excel Settings

1. Datasources

  • Click Choose from computer to select the data to be used for the screens.
  • You can import your data by selecting the Excel file on your device.

2. Screen Name

  • Set a name for the created screen.
  • After making all settings, click the CREATE button to create the screen.

By integrating data from your Excel file directly into your application, you can quickly perform CRUD operations with this data.

D. Image To Screen

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  2. Open the Screens Panel.
  3. Click on the “+” icon.
  4. Select the New Screen option.
  5. Click on Image to Screen.
  • Drag & drop here or: This is where you can drag and drop images. Alternatively, buttons can be used to upload files.
  • SELECT: Used to select an image in .jpg or .png format from the computer.
  • PASTE FROM CLIPBOARD: Allows you to upload by pasting an image copied to the clipboard.
  • Enter image URL: Allows you to upload an image from the internet by entering the URL directly.
  • Screen name: Enter a name for the screen to be created.

      6. With the CREATE button, you can start creating the screen according to the uploaded image.