Run or Publish the application you developed in Kuika

With Kuika, you can quickly test the application you have developed on the Web with Run settings or publish it with the configuration you have created. You can test with Run settings created by Kuika or with your own configuration settings.

You can use the Run button on the top right corner of the Platform to perform the test with Run. To test and/or publish your application with the configuration settings you have prepared, you can use the Rocket icon on the Platform.

In line with all this information, we have prepared a flow that you can use to answer the question of how do I develop an application through Kuika. You can manage the process by using this flow during the application development process.

To summarize a process briefly;

  1. First, create the interface design of the app in UI Design view mode.
  2. Then create your data sources via Datasource view mode and connect the data sources to the interfaces you created in UI view mode.
  3. Design the notifications you want to include in your app with Email Builder view mode.
  4. Finally, through the Configuration Manager view mode, you can preview and publish your application by configuring the configuration settings for your application for web and/or mobile (iOS/Android). During the publishing process, it will make the process easier for you to check the requirements of the Android and iOS markets you want to publish for mobile applications.