Range Slider Element Properties

You can set properties of Range Slider element such as start and end value. You can give role based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.

Start Value : You can set the predefined start value of the slider.

End Value : You can set the predefined end value that the slider can take at most.

Min : You can add the minimum value it can take.

Max : You can edit the maximum value it can take.

Step : You can set the value for each step when the handles are dragged. For example, it can be changed by five.

Vertical : You can also use the element that comes in horizontal form by default in vertical form.

Slider Color : You can specify the slider color.

Handle Color : You can set the color of the circular handle on the slider.

Tooltip Visible : You can make sure that the validated value is shown above the slider handle.