Radial Chart Element Properties

When the Radial Chart element is selected, in the Properties panel;

  • Options,
  • Levels,
  • Line Color,
  • Line Width,
  • Radial Color,
  • Chart Text,
  • Authorization
  • Visibility parameters are displayed.

These parameter fields allow you to set custom authorization settings and visibility preferences for the Radial Chart element.

You can give role-based authorizations to the element as well as set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.

Options: Used to set general properties. You can bind actions to the Radial Chart element with the Actions drop-down menu in Options. Data should be matched according to the linked action. Data is displayed on the chart with the connected action.

In general, after the action connection is made, the following fields are displayed in the Options Property field:

  • Slice Label Field: This field represents the labels that appear on each slice. Slice labels often help the user to understand what a particular slice represents.
  • Slice Text Field: The Slice Text Field represents the text that appears inside each slice. This text can include the value or description of a particular slice. It can be used to provide more context to the user.
  • Point Field: The Point Field contains values, usually representing a specific point on the chart. For example, it can represent the endpoint of a slice or a specific value. Point Field can be used to add additional information to a specific point on the chart.

It refers to the value shown when the cursor is placed over the chart.

These properties are generally used to provide more control over specific slices or data points of Radial charts and to provide more information to the user.

For actions to be displayed in Properties, SQL actions must be created in the Custom Action panel or in the Datasources module and called as Initial Action.

Levels: Used to determine the levels to be used in Radial Chart. These levels usually represent the number of circles or rings in the chart. You can connect an action with the Actions drop-down menu in Levels. With the connected action, the data display of the levels on the chart is provided.

In general, after the action connection is made, the following fields are displayed in the Levels Property area:

  • Level Label Field: Represents the labels that appear above the levels in the chart. Each level can represent a specific value or category. Level labels can help the user understand which part represents what.
  • Level Text Field: The Level Text Field represents the text that appears inside each level. This text can include content such as the value, description or additional information for a particular level.
  • Level Percentage Field: This field represents the percentage value of each level in the total. In a Radial Chart, it is often important to show the ratio of each level to the percentage of the chart's total, and this field provides that information.
  • Level Color Field: The level color field determines the color palette of each level. Each level in the chart can be shown in a different color, giving the user a better visual sense.

Line Color: Used to determine the color of the lines in the Radial Chart. It refers to the connecting lines between each level or data point.

Line Width: Line Width is used to determine the line thickness. There are values in the range of 1-8 in the Line Width drop-down menu. You can use these values to adjust the thinness or thickness of the lines.

Radial Line Color: The Radial Line Color property allows you to set the color of the lines connecting each data point to the center. In this way, it is possible to color-code and visually differentiate the lines in the chart.

Back Ground Color: Allows you to set the background color of the Radial Chart element. You can customize the overall appearance of the chart.

Legend Text Color: Allows you to set the color of the legend text on the Radial Chart element. By customizing the color of the text in the legend section of the chart, you can increase the readability and aesthetics of the chart.