Radial Chart Element Properties

You can configure the following settings in the Properties panel:

  • Options:
    • Actions: Determines the SQL actions.
    • Slice Label Field: Represents the labels on each slice.
    • Slice Text Field: Defines the text inside the slices.
    • Point Field: Defines the values of specific points on the chart.
  • Levels
    • Level Label Field: Represents the labels above the levels.
    • Level Text Field: Defines the text inside each level.
    • Level Percentage Field: Shows the percentage of each level in the total.
    • Level Color Field: Defines the color palette of the levels.
  • Line and Color Settings:
    • Line Color: Determines the color of the graph lines.
    • Line Width: Sets the thickness of the lines in the range of 1-8.
    • Radial Line Color: Sets the color of the lines extending from the center to the data points.
    • Back Ground Color: Customizes the background color.
    • Legend Text Color: Sets the color of legend text.