Panel element properties

When the panel element is selected, it is displayed in the Properties panel with Scrolling, Scroll Back Color, Scroll Width, Scroll Radius, Dynamic Back Ground Color, Dynamic Font Color, Dynamic Bg Image, Hover Background Color, Hover Font Color, Authorization, Visibility and Actions parameters. With these parameter fields, you can make panel customization, custom authorization and visibility settings.

You can add an element directly into the panel element or it can be a part of different elements.


Open the Scrolling section in the Properties panel. When the height of the panel element is set shorter than the elements in it, you can enable the content to be scrolled. In the Scrolling area, there is a Selectbox with Hidden, Vertical, Auto, Horizontal options. With these options you can set the direction and state of the Panel element.

Scroll Back Color / Width / Radius

You can make the panel element content scrollable when it is longer than the panel width/height. You can edit the style of the Scroll bar that will appear on the panel horizontal/vertical edge.

Dynamic Background Color

The background color of the element can be made to change depending on the incoming data through a data table. Imagine that a list of student exam results is prepared. When you want exam grades below 70 points to be red and exam grades above 70 points to be green, you can add it as a Container element to the Label element. You can also use the additional features in Symbol Picker when adding the related function.

Dynamic Font Color

In a similar list, you can edit the font color of the Label element in the Panel element in the student exam result list.

Dynamic Background Image

You can use the Panel element in examples where it is desired to show an image in the background in accordance with data such as temperature and wind related to weather conditions in a weather application or to show the embedded image in social media applications.

While Dynamic BG image is preferred, it is not recommended to add very high MB images.

Hover Background Color

In web applications, you can set the color change in the background of the Cursor when it hovers over the Panel element.

Hover Font Color

In web applications, you can specify the color that the Label element will get when the Cursor hovers over the panel element.