Pagination Element Properties

Pagination is used in addition to a different Data Repeater element. It is mostly added to Table and Horizontal Grid elements. You can give role-based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.

Total : You can determine how many total content you have with a static value here. With a value to be displayed per page, the number of pages here will also vary.

Page Size : You can set the number of content to be shown per page statically/dynamically.

Current : You can specify the page number that will be shown on screen startup.

Show Less Items : Fewer numbers can be displayed in the page numerators.

Show Quick Jumper : You can show the area that allows quick transition to a page.

Show Size Changer : You can make visible the field that allows the end user to change the number of content to be displayed on a page basis.

Size Changer Options: Allows you to choose how many records you want to display per page. For example, you can choose to display 10, 20 or 100 records per page.

Selected Border Color : You can change the displayed page number border color.

Show First Page Button : You can make the first screen button visible that will allow you to switch to the first page regardless of the number of pages you are on.

Show Last Page Button : You can make the last screen button visible, which will allow you to switch to the first page regardless of the number of pages you are on.

Show Numbers : You can hide the page numbers. You can only display the next/previous buttons.

Show Text : You can display the previous and next labels.