Number Input Element Properties

You can customize the Number Input element by editing its properties. You can give role-based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.

Value : You can add a static value to the Value field, or you can dynamically display a value of a status, Input element content or an action result via Symbol Picker.

Decimal Sparator : You can select the character used as a separator in numeric values of Decimal type as a period (.) or comma (,).

Decimal Scale : You can specify the number of decimal digits in decimal type value entries.

Placeholder : It is the placeholder value to be displayed until a value is entered. You can add a static value to the Placeholder field, or you can dynamically display a status, Input element content or a value of an action result via Symbol Picker.

Fixed Decimal Scale : You can make the Decimal view to be shown as mandatory.

Allow Negative : You can also allow negative values to be entered and displayed.

Allow Empty Formatting: Allows you to leave the numeric input fields in the Number Input element empty and ensures that the field is not formatted when empty.

Format : You can specify the format of the entered numeric value.

Mask : You can enable the input and display of the entered value in accordance with a specific mask (such as 0212 123 45 67).

Thousand Separator : You can provide the use of thousand separator in numeric value entries.

Max : You can specify the maximum value that can be entered.

Min : You can specify the minimum value that can be entered.