Number Input Element Properties

You can configure the following settings from the Properties panel:

  • Value: The number to be displayed by default in the numeric input field. It can be a static or dynamic value.
  • Decimal Separator: The character used to separate the decimal part (e.g. period “.” or comma “,”).
  • Decimal Scale: Determines the number of digits to be displayed in the decimal part of the number (e.g. when 2 is set, the format 0.00 is used).
  • Placeholder: Placeholder text displayed when the field is empty.
  • Fixed Decimal Scale: Ensures that the decimal part of the number is always displayed to a specific digit.
  • Allow Negative: Allows users to enter negative numbers.
  • Allow Empty Formatting: Allows users to leave the field blank.
  • Format: Specifies the format in which the number will be displayed (e.g. currency or percentage).
  • Mask: Used to provide data entry in a specific format (e.g. “XXX-XXX-XXXX” phone number format).
  • Thousand Separator: Character used to separate thousands of digits (e.g. 1,000 or 1,000).
  • Max: The maximum number the user can enter.
  • Min: The lowest number the user can enter.

By following this guide, you can use the Number Input element effectively in your application.