Multi Select Element Properties

You can add text inside the Multi Select element. You can give role based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.

Value : You can add a static value to the Value field, or you can dynamically display a value of a status, Input element content or an action result via Symbol Picker.

Options : It is the section where you will bind the data table of the list to be displayed in the drop-down list.

Placeholder : You can add an auxiliary/temporary placeholder text for the end user.

Allow Clear : When data is entered, a Delete(X) icon can be added to the right edge of the element, which allows you to delete the entered values with a single click.

Auto Refresh: Ensures that the results are updated immediately when you change your selections. When you activate the switch, the selections in the Multi Select element are updated. When any changes are made to the selections, these changes are automatically reflected.