Mixed Chart Element Properties

When the Mixed Chart element is selected, there are Line and Point insertion fields under the Mixed chart category in the Properties panel. According to these Properties, Options, Authorization and Visibility parameters are displayed in two of them. Line represents the chart lines while Point represents the prominent points in the chart.

When Line under Mixed Chart category is selected, Properties panel comes with Options, Color, Label, Dashspacing, DashLength, LineWidth, Authorization, Visibility Properties.

When Point under Mixed Chart category is selected, Properties panel comes with Options, Color, Authorization and Visibility Properties.

You can give role-based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.


Used to specify general properties. You can connect an action to the chart with the Actions drop-down menu in Options. Also, data matching should be done according to the action added in this field. Data is displayed on the chart with the connected action.

In general, after the action connection is made, the following fields are displayed in the Options Property field:

  1. Actions: Property where SQL actions are called in order to display the data desired to be presented in the chart.
  2. X Axis Field: X axis is the horizontal axis in the chart. This property allows you to specify the data set to be displayed on the x-axis. It is used to determine how different chart types are positioned on the x-axis, especially in mixed charts. For example, you can use this property to control how a line chart and a bar chart are displayed on the same x-axis.
  3. Axis Value Field: Allows you to specify the data set to be displayed on the vertical axis in the chart. It is the Property where the value is specified.