Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)

This guide explains in detail the steps to add an Authentication Provider using MSAL on the Kuika Low-Code platform. MSAL is a powerful tool used to configure Microsoft authentication processes and provide secure access to your applications.

How to Add an Authentication Provider?

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work with from the “Apps” screen.
  2. Then click on the “Configuration Manager” module.
  3. Create a new configuration or select an existing one.
  4. In the Authentication & Authorization section, select one of the MSAL provider options.
    • Alternatively, create a new configuration by clicking ADD NEW.

Content added by Global Config in the Workspace is displayed as read-only or hidden (***) for unauthorized users.

Fill in the MSAL Setting Modal:

  • Name: Give the Authentication Provider a meaningful name.
  • Client ID: Enter the unique ID of the application you retrieved from the Azure portal.
  • Client Secret: Enter the secret key used to authenticate the application.
  • Authority: Specify the user authentication URL (e.g.{tenant} or
  • Scopes: Enter the permissions that the app requests access to (e.g.
  • Keystore Base64: (for Android) Base64 encoded keystore retrieved from the APK file.
  • Cache Location: Select a location to store token and authentication information (for example, localStorage or sessionStorage).
  • Keystore Hash (Android Only): (Android Only) SHA-1 or SHA-256 hash value retrieved from the APK file.


  • Check that the information you entered is correct.
  • Add the MSAL Authentication Provider by clicking theSave button.

You can now use MSAL in your application to perform secure authentication and access authorized resources.

Field Definitions

  • Name: A meaningful name to identify the Authentication Provider. It allows users to easily recognize the providers they add.
  • Client ID: The unique ID of the application created in the Azure Portal. Allows the application to be recognized by Azure Active Directory.
  • Client Secret: Secret key used to verify that the application is an authorized application. It should be kept secret for security purposes.
  • Authority: The URL used for authentication (e.g.{tenant}).
  • Scopes: Permissions that specify which resources the app requests access to (e.g.
  • Keystore Base64: Base64 encoded version of the keystore from the (Android) APK file.
  • Cache Location: A place to store authentication credentials and tokens (e.g. localStorage in the browser).
  • Keystore Hash (Android Only): (Android Only) The hash information (SHA-1 or SHA-256) from the APK file.