Google Play Store Requirements

To publish a mobile app developed with Kuika on the Google Play Store, you need to fulfill some requirements.

  1. Developer Account: Create a Google Play Developer account for access to Google Play Console and app publishing.
  2. App Creation: Add your app information and provide an email address for users to contact you via the “Create App” option in the Google Play Console.
  3. Size Limit: APK size should not exceed “150 MB”. For larger files, you can use app packaging.
  4. Configure Signature: You must digitally sign your app. You can complete this process using Google Play App Signing.
  5. Version Requirements: A different “Version Code” must be used for each update for your application packages and this code must not exceed “2100000000”.
  6. Target API Level: You must comply with Google Play's target API level requirements.
  7. App Details: You must include the name, short description, full description, icon, feature graphic and screenshots for your app.

Your mobile app;

  • A name with a maximum of 50 characters,
  • Short application description with a maximum of 80 characters,
  • Full application description with a maximum of 4000 characters
  • 512 Pixel x 512 Pixel application icon in 32 bit PNG format (Max. 1024 kb),
  • 1024 Pixels x 500 Pixels feature graphic in JPEG or 24-bit PNG format,
  • You must have a minimum of two screenshots in JPEG or 24-bit PNG format with a minimum size of 320 pixels and a maximum size of 3840 pixels.
The maximum size of your screenshot cannot be more than twice the minimum size.
  1. Languages and Translations: The default language is English, but you can add language translations and visual elements.
  2. Category and Tags: You can make it easier for users to find your app by categorizing it correctly and adding tags.