To publish an app on the Google Play Store, fulfill the following requirements:
- Developer Account: Required to access the Google Play Console.
- Application Information:
- Name (up to 50 characters)
- Short description (Maximum 80 characters)
- Full description (Maximum 4000 characters)
- Icon: 32-bit PNG, 512 x 512 pixels, up to 1024 KB
- Feature graphic: JPEG or 24-bit PNG, 1024 x 500 pixels
- Screenshots: Minimum 320 x 320 pixels, maximum 3840 x 3840 pixels (At least two)
The maximum size of your screenshot cannot be more than twice the minimum size.
- Size Limit: APK size should not exceed 150 MB.
- Signature Configuration: Google Play App Signing must be used.
- Version Requirements: Use a different “Version Code” for each update. The code must not exceed 2100000000.
- API Level: Adhere to Google Play's target API requirements.
- Language Support: The default language is English. You can add additional translations if needed.
- Category and Tags: Categorize your application correctly.