Email Creation Screen

You can use the Email Builder view mode to create email notifications for end users and add them to the application.

Open the Email Builder view mode from the project you are working on in Kuika.

Notification Template ekranı ekran görüntüsü

On the left panel of the screen, you will be greeted with the button to add a new Email template (+) and a default Verify Email, Set Password, Task Notification and Reset Password templates created by Kuika.

1. Verify Email

Verify Email, a canned email template, is a message template used to ask recipients of an email message to verify their email address. This type of email is typically used when users register for a website or an application, or to ensure their account security.

2. Task Notification

Task Notification is a ready-made email template, a message template intended to notify or remind a user about a specific task. This type of message can be used in business management applications, project management software, task tracking tools and other similar platforms.

3. Set Password

Set Password is a canned email template, a message template used when users create an account or want to reset their password. This message is intended to help users securely set their password and access their account.

Set Password Template Screen

4. Reset Password

Reset Password is a canned email template that is used to reset a user's password when they cannot remember their password or cannot access their password. This message guides users to regain access to their account.

On the incoming screen, you will be greeted with a new Email Builder addition screen and a default Set Password, Verify Email and Reset Password templates created by Kuika.

If you need password setting, email confirmation and password reset emails within the application you have developed, you can edit and use the Set Password, Verify Email and Reset Password templates created by Kuika by default.

On the Add a new Notification Template screen, name the template and click Next.

Email şablonları ekran görüntüsü

Email Templates

On the screen that opens, you will be greeted by dozens of editable Email templates ready to use by Kuika.

You can choose one of these templates according to your desire and need, or you can create an Email template from scratch by clicking NEW BLANK TEMPLATE.

Suppose you create a template from scratch. When you click the NEW BLANK TEMPLATE button, you will be greeted by the Email template creation interface.

Email Şablon oluşturma arayüzü ekran görüntüsü

Email Template creation interface

Email template creation interface works with drag-and-drop logic. Desktop and Mobile viewing options are available in the interface to create a responsive design.

The interface contains Content, Blocks and Body tabs.

Email Şablon oluşturma arayüzü sekmeleri ekran görüntüsü

Email Template Creation Interface Tabs

Content Tab

The Content tab in the Email template creation interface contains many content structures.

 Email Şablon oluşturma arayüzü Context sekmesi ekran görüntüsü

Content Tab

Email templates you have prepared through the Content tab;

  • Columns
  • Heading
  • Text
  • Image
  • Button
  • Divider
  • HTML
  • Menu

you can add content. All you need to do to add the specified content is to drag and drop the content structure you want to add to the template creation workspace.

Each of the contents under the Content tab contains special settings in itself.

Columns içeriği ayarları ekran görüntüsü

Columns content settings

When you add Columns content to the Email template you are creating, you can perform Columns content settings in two separate configurations, web and mobile, under Columns, Columns Properties, Row Properties and Responsive Design.

Heading içeriği ayarları ekran görüntüsü

Heading content settings

When you add Heading content to the Email template you are creating, you can perform Heading content settings in two separate configurations, web and mobile, under the headings of Smart Headings, Text, Links, General and Responsive Design.

Text içeriği ayarları ekran görüntüsü

Text Settings

When you add Text content to the E-mail template you are creating, you can perform the Text content settings in two separate configurations, web and mobile, under the headings Text, Links, General and Responsive Design.

Image içeriği ayarları ekran görüntüsü

Image Settings

When you add Image content to the E-mail template you are creating, you can adjust the Image content settings in two separate configurations, web and mobile, under Magic Image, Image, Width, Align, Alternate Text, Action, General and Responsive Design.

Button içeriği ayarları ekran görüntüsü

Button Settings

When you add the Button content to the E-mail template you are creating, you can perform the Button content settings in two separate configurations, web and mobile, under Smart Buttons, Action, Button Options, Spacing, General and Responsive Design.

Divider içeriği ayarları ekran görüntüsü

Divider Settings

When you add Divider content to the E-mail template you are creating, you can perform Divider content settings in two separate configurations, web and mobile, under Line, General and Responsive Design headings.

Alttext: HTML içeriği ayarları ekran görüntüsü

HTML Settings

When you add HTML content to the E-mail template you are creating, you can perform HTML content settings in two separate configurations, web and mobile, under HTML, General and Responsive Design headings.

Alttext: Menu içeriği ayarları ekran görüntüsü

Menu Settings

When you add MENU content to the Email template you are creating, you can customise the MENU content settings in two separate configurations, web and mobile, under Menu Items, Styles, General and Responsive Design.

Blocks Tab

The Blocks tab in the e-mail template creation interface contains many block structures that provide content transfer organisation.

Alttext: Blocks Sekmesi ekran görüntüsü

Blocks Tab

To add block structures to the Email template you are creating, all you need to do is drag and drop the content structure you want to add to the template creation workspace.

You can add content to the block columns by hovering over the columns in the Block structure you added.

Body Tab

You can visually edit the body structure of the Email template through the Body tab in the Email template creation interface.

Body Tab

You can make visual adjustments in General, Email Settings and Links via the Body tab.