Design screen with drag and drop elements in UI Design view

The UI Design view mode allows you to create the user interface of the application you are developing. UI Design view mode has more than 80 drag-and-drop, reusable elements that you can use during the app development process. Each element comes with properties and styles according to its structure. You can organize element properties and styles according to your needs. You can review our related content to examine the elements and properties of the elements in Kuika.

You can add new screen templates to the application with the Screens panel. You can start with a blank screen or you can create CRUD type screens in seconds from the data table or Excel document you have prepared.

When you create a new app, it comes with default out-of-the-box screens that can potentially be used in the app. These default screens are;

  • Home Page (Dashboard),
  • Forgot Password ,
  • Reset Password ,
  • Sign in ,
  • Sign up ,
  • Verification Code ,
  • Left Menu.

Each screen in Kuika has Properties and Styles settings just like elements. You can determine the roles of the screens in the application (for example, start page) and/or perform authorizations on a screen-by-screen basis.

You can add system actions and Custom actions to the elements and screens in the workspace. System actions are actions offered by Kuika to speed up the application development process. You can access detailed information about system actions and their functions from our related content.

In addition to system actions, you can create custom actions in the application you develop. You can create custom actions through the SQL editor in Datasources. You can also use the Custom Actions panel on the left side of the UI Design view to create custom actions. You can also access the Actions list in the Properties panel under the CUSTOM heading and add them to the elements. You can find detailed information about creating custom actions in UI Design view mode in our related content.

Kuika attaches importance to user experience and provides convenience to the user in the application development process. One of these conveniences is the Item Tree panel in UI Design view mode. The Item Tree panel lists the open screen and the elements on it in a tree structure (parent/child). Through this structure, you can easily control the components on the screens.

Another convenience Kuika provides in the application development process is the multi-language structure. You can add language options to the application you develop with Kuika. Every application created in Kuika is in EN (USA) by default. In addition, there are interfaces where you can add and translate languages in Turkish, English, English (UK), French, German, Italian, Danish and Czech. You can find detailed information about UI Design view mode in our related content.