Value: You can give it a static value or you can make it take dynamic values with Symbol Picker.
Placeholder: When you ask the user to enter date and time information, you can add a predefined placeholder text (for example, “Select Date”) to the date field. Placeholder is displayed when the value of the Date Time element is null .
Allow Clear: Determines whether you allow the user to clear the date and time selection. When enabled, the user can remove the selected date or time.
Format: Determines how the date and time data is displayed. For example, Day/Month/Year Hour:Minute format. When the DateTime element is selected, the Format drop-down menu appears in the Properties panel. In the drop-down menu, there are YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:, DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss:, hh:mm:ss:, mm:ss:, HH:mm: options.some text
YYYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss: Shows the date and time in year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds. For example, “2023-10-20 15:30:45” is the date and time.
DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss: The date is displayed as day-month-year hour:minute:second. For example, “20-10-2023 15:30:45” refers to the date and time.
hh:mm:ss: Only hours:minutes:seconds are displayed, but the 12-hour clock format is used. For example, “03:30:45 PM” refers to 3:30:45 PM.
mm:ss: Only minutes and seconds are displayed. For example, “15:45” refers to 15 minutes and 45 seconds.
HH:mm: Only hours and minutes are displayed and 24-hour time format is used. For example, “15:30” refers to 15:30.
Disable Before Date: Prevents the user from selecting dates before a specific date. Usually used to set limitations for future dates.
Use 12 Hours: Specifies whether you want to use the time display in 12-hour format (AM/PM) or 24-hour format.
Hour Step: Specifies the interval at which hours or minutes are selected by the user. For example, it allows selection every half hour instead of every hour.
Minute Step: You can edit the minute step value. For example, consider a scenario where a vehicle delivery can only be made every 30 minutes.
Second Step: You can add a step value for seconds as well as hours and minutes.