Currency Element Properties

Located in the Properties panel:

  • Decimal Separator: A character used to separate the decimal part of values entered by users (for example, 1,234.56 or 1,234.56).
  • Value: It is the value that will be displayed by default in the Currency element. It can be defined as a static value or dynamically retrieved from a state or the content of another element.
  • Placeholder: The placeholder text that will be shown when no value has been entered into the element yet.
  • Decimal Scale: Determines the number of digits to be displayed in the decimal part of the entered value. For example, when set to 2, the entered value will always be displayed with two decimal places (for example, 123.45).
  • Allow Negative: Determines whether to allow users to enter negative values.
  • Prefix: Defines the text to be displayed in front of the currency value. For example, you can add symbols such as “$” or “€”.
  • Suffix: Defines the text to be displayed after the currency value. This can be used to provide additional information (for example, “USD” or “EUR”).