Currency Element Properties

Adjustments such as currency or separator type can be made. You can give role-based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.

Decimal Separator

You can set the decimal separator type to be a period (.) or comma (,).


You can add a static value to the Value field, or you can use the Symbol Picker to dynamically add a status, Input element content or a value of an action result.


Indicates the placeholder text that will be displayed when no input has been made by the end user yet. In this field, you can add a static value, or you can dynamically display a status, Input element content or a value of an action result via Symbol Picker.

Decimal Scale

You can specify the decimal length.

Allow Negative

You can make it take a negative value.


A pre-field can be added to the entered value. Ex: $120.00


A field can be added at the end of the entered value. Ex: 120.00 Man/hour