Creating Data Source Connection and Custom Action with C#

A. Data Source Connection and Custom Action Creation with C#

To make data source connection with C# and create Custom Action, go to Datasources view mode in the project you are working on in Kuika.

Datasources Ekranı
Datasources view mode

Through the left menu in the Datasources view mode, you can view the data sources, actions and tables in the application you have developed, add a new data source, a new action and a new table.

 “Create Datasource” Butonu
Datasources view mode “Create Datasource” button

To add a new data source to the application you are developing, click the + icon opposite the Datasources heading.

C# Seçimi Ekranı
Datasources view mode C# Selection

To add a datasource to the application you developed with C# and create a Custom Action, select C# as Datasource type and name it. After completing the naming process, select the C# template. Below are the C# templates offered by Kuika.

  • Default C# Function
  • Custom Authentication Provider
  • Custom Authorization Provider
  • Verification Code Sender Provider

After selecting the template, click the CREATE button.

Default C# Function

You can make a data connection with the default C# functions or change the template on the pop-up screen.

 C# şablon değişimi açılır menüsü
C# Template Change

You can change the template via the drop-down menu under the Template heading. To change the template, click on the drop-down menu under the Template heading. Select the template you need from the templates in the menu. In accordance with the template you have selected, the code content in the C# editor will be updated according to the template properties.

Custom Authentication Provider ekranı
Custom Authentication Provider

You can use the Custom Authentication Provider template to use custom authentication provider functions.

Custom Authorization Provider ekranı
Custom Authorization Provider

You can use the Custom Authorization Provider template to use custom authorization provider functions.

You can use the Verification Code Sender Provider template to authenticate users or send temporary or disposable codes for security purposes.

Write the data connection and Custom Action content in C# programming language according to the templates you have selected and create the Datasources connection by clicking the CREATE button.