Create HiveMQ Cloud Membership

HiveMQ Cloud is an IoT platform that supports the MQTT protocol. Using the HiveMQ Console you can create an MQTT broker and connect your devices.

HiveMQ Cloud User Creation

  1. Go to HiveMQ Cloud Console.
  2. If you do not have an account, click the Sign Up button to register.
  3. If you have an account, login by clicking the Login button.

Create a New Cluster

  1. Go to the Clusters section and click Create Cluster.
  2. Specify a name for the cluster (for example, “MyFirstCluster”).
  3. Select the location of the cluster (for example, “Europe” or “North America”).
  4. Choose between free or paid plans.
  5. Create the cluster by clicking the CREATE button.

Connecting with Web Client

  1. Click on the Web Client tab in the left menu.
  2. Enter the connection information on the screen that opens :
    • Host: The connection URL given when you created the cluster (usually *
    • Port: 1883 (non-secure) or 8883 (SSL).
    • Client ID: Set a random ID.
    • Username & Password: Information you created in the HiveMQ Console.
  3. Click the Connect button.

After completing these steps, you can send (publish) or listen (subscribe) to a specific topic.