Countdown Element Properties

Located in the Properties panel:

  • Value: This is the field where you enter the countdown start time in seconds. You can type a static value here or use Symbol Picker for dynamic values.
  • Format: In the application development process, a Formatter is a feature that allows data to be put into a specific format or arrangement. Formatters typically organize data types such as text, numbers, date and time, and are used to achieve a specific look or format.some text
    • HH:mm:ss:some text
      • HH: Represents hours and uses the 24-hour clock format. Hours can take values between 00 and 23.
      • mm: Represents minutes and shows the minutes after the hours. Minutes can take values between 00 and 59.
      • ss: Represents seconds and shows seconds after minutes. Seconds can take values between 00 and 59.
      • Example: 14:30:45 represents 14 hours 14 (2:30 PM), 30 minutes and 45 seconds.
    • HH:mm:some text
      • HH: Again represents hours and uses the 24-hour clock format.
      • MM: This time represents the minutes after the hours. The upper case “MM” represents months, while the lower case “mm” refers to minutes.
      • Example: 14:30 represents 14 hours and 30 minutes.
    • mm:ss:some text
      • This format does not contain the hour value, it only represents minutes and seconds.
      • mm: Represents minutes and can take values between 00 and 59.
      • ss: Represents seconds and can also take values between 00 and 59.
      • Example: “05:30” represents 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

The above hour, minute and second formats are used to represent and display date and time data in a standardized way. Data formatting and representation may differ depending on the programming language or application used, so it is important to be aware of specific rules and language specifications when using these formats.