You can configure the properties of the Countdown element in the Properties panel on the right sidebar.
Value: Determines the start time of the countdown in seconds. You can enter a static value or assign a dynamic value using Symbol Picker .Format: Determines how the countdown is displayed. The Formatter option displays the data in one of the following standard formats: HH:mm:ss: Displays hours, minutes and seconds. HH: Uses the 24-hour clock format (00-23).mm: Displays minutes (00-59).ss: Indicates seconds (00-59).Example: 14:30:45 (14 hours, 30 minutes, 45 seconds)HH:mm: Shows hours and minutes. HH: Uses 24-hour time format (00-23).mm: Displays minutes (00-59).Example: 14:30 (14 hours, 30 minutes)mm:ss: Shows minutes and seconds. mm: Shows minutes (00-59).ss: Indicates seconds (00-59).Example: 05:30 (5 minutes, 30 seconds)These hour, minute and second formats provide a standardized structure for accurate display of the countdown. You can choose the appropriate format according to the needs of your application.