Scheduled Jobs is divided into sub-tabs, Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Hours, Days, Days, Months and Years. These tabs determine the time period in which the actions will run.
Result: Allows you to view the success status of tasks, output information or error messages.
Time Zone: Determines the time zone in which the tasks will run. It is used to ensure accurate scheduling in international projects.
With these settings, scheduled jobs become flexible and efficient.
Schedule Settings
The following table shows the scheduling options in the Scheduled Jobs module:
Time Interval
Schedule actions based on seconds
Schedule actions based on minutes
Schedule actions based on hours
Schedule actions based on days
Schedule actions based on months
Schedule actions based on years
For each category, you can run actions at a specific time interval. For example
Every 5 minutes starting at minute 3: You can define an action to run every 5 minutes starting from minute 3.
Every 5 days starting at day 3: It can be scheduled to repeat every 5 days starting from day 3.