Bar Chart Element Properties

You can add text into the Bar Chart element. You can give role-based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.

Data Source : Open the Properties panel Data Source section. Select Action from here. After selecting Action, you should select which value you want to show from the Data Label For Field section under Data Sources.

Legend : Open the Properties panel Legend section. You can choose which of the options you want the first, second Data you selected in the Data Source section to appear in top, bottom, right and left.

Left Axis : Open the Properties panel Left Axis section. This is the area where the values shown on the left (Y axis) are shown/hidden.

Right Axis : Open the Properties panel Right Axis section. This is the area where the values below (X axis) are shown/hidden.

Begin At Zero : Open the Properties panel Begin At Zero section. It allows you to show the smallest data value from the Data Source section as the smallest value in the Chart.

Max YAxis Value: Open the Properties panel Max YAxis Value section. Max YAxis Value allows you to set the maximum value to be displayed on the y-axis in the Bar Chart.

Show Data Labes: Open the Properties panel Show Data Labes section. Then you can open the switch to show the data labels in the Bar Chart.