Anatomy of Process Automation Module

When you switch to the Process Automation module on the Kuika platform, you will see the workflow creation screen.

Let's examine the sections in the Process Automation module.

A. Left Panel

You can add new workflows from the left panel, access the workflows you have added, add parameters, custom actions and customizable buttons to your workflow.

1. Processes: This is the area where you can add new workflows.

2. Process Parameters: This is the area where you can add parameters in workflows.

  • Business Object: Data that can be used in the workflow creation process. It allows you to create structures that you can use on form screens. For example, you can define the variable “Permit Day” as the user leave day. If this data is information that must be entered by the user who starts the process, the parameters marked as “Is Input” are displayed under the Start Process action. Then you can create the variable by clicking the “CREATE” button.
  • Internal: Variables that may be required for logical control. For example, you should create a process that checks whether the user has the right to permission in the permission process. Since this is a background process, you can define a variable that determines the permission right. You can do this by defining a Boolean variable named“Progress Payment” and clicking the “CREATE” button.

If the user has the right to a day off, it is advanced on a specific path, if not, it is advanced on another path.

3. Custom Actions: Allows you to add custom actions in workflows.

4. Buttons: Allows you to add customizable buttons to manage user interactions in your workflow. You can use the buttons you create to trigger specific actions, to move to the next step or to make different directions in your workflow.

B. Workflow Management Area

  5. Process Automation Tools

  • Activate The Hand Tool: Allows us to move the workflow you created on the Canvas.
  • Activate The Lasso Tool: Allows us to move the regions squared with the cursor collectively.
  • Activate The Create/Remove Space Tool: Allows you to expand or contract the workflow you have created.
  • Activate The Global Connect Tool: Allows you to connect with other tools in the workflow you created.
  • Create Start Event: Allows you to determine the start of the workflow.
  • Create End Event: Allows you to determine the end of the workflow.
  • Create Timer Event: It is used in situations that require a specific time or time trigger in the workflow. It ensures that an action is triggered when a certain time is reached.
  • Create Exclusive Gateway: Exclusive Gateway ensures that the correct path is selected according to the conditions in business processes with multiple paths and controls the progress of the processes. You can specify the job order by dragging and dropping the path order from the Properties panel.
  • Create Parallel Gateway: Determines the path separation in business processes and allows you to execute jobs in parallel. It terminates the process when all jobs are completed.
  • Create User Task: It is the activity where user interaction takes place.
  • Create Task: It is the activity where system interaction takes place.

6. Design Area (Canvas): By clicking on elements you can change their types, add notes and delete them. When designing the process, when you click on the elements to speed up and facilitate the process, the toolbox opens on the Canvas.

  • Change Type: You can change the types of elements. For example, you can change a Task to User Task or Exclusive Gateway to Parallel Gateway.
  • Append Text Annotation: You can annotate the process.
  • Remove: You can easily delete selected elements.

C. Process Automation Properties Panel

7. Process Description: This is the field where the description of the planned process in the workflow is made.

  • Process Due: It is the field where the realization time and completion time of the business process are determined.
  • Lane: After clicking on Canvas to create a Lane, you can add more than one Lane from above and below from the small window that opens in the upper right corner. The use of lanes helps you both visually separate user tasks and make authorizations within the workflow.
  • Assignment: This is the field used to assign tasks to users via Lane.some text
    • Everyone: Tasks defined with Everyone are created in a task pool. Each user can see this task and can take on and complete the tasks in the task pool.
  • Role: These are the tasks assigned by selecting the roles defined in the business process. If there is no role in the process yet, you can create a new role by clicking the “+Add New Role” button.
  • Dynamic: Users who are not defined as a role in the application but can be assigned with an action. You can create a special user group, create a returning action and assign to the users that this action returns. Click “+SELECT ACTIONS”to add an action.some text
    • Dynamic Assignment: Allows you to link process variables.
  • Find Manager: There is a manager field on the user within the application. The manager is a user assigned and linked by Kuika. When an integration is made by Custom Provider, you can specify what this action will return via Provider.some text
    • The action creation process is similar to the system actions. Therefore, Input must be added first. Click Symbol Picker to add an input. For example, with this action, the manager of the person who initiated the process is determined. The other actions added work in a similar way. The variables of the desired process must be given as Input and the result returned must be a string or string list.

8. Happy Path: Refers to a scenario where a business process is completed smoothly from start to finish under ideal conditions, without any errors, interruptions or deviations.

9. Version History: It makes old versions that are not actively used inactive and ensures that these old versions are not used in new updates. Each time an update is made, a new version of the workflows is created and screens, definitions and other components related to the old versions are added to the new application. Unused versions are deactivated through this field, thus preventing future updates from including these old versions.

Version history can be viewed in the mobile app, but versions are saved over the web.