Amazon S3 Installation

For Amazon S3 usage, an account with read access to S3 is required.

IAM User Creation

  1. Go to the IAM section and click on the Add Users button.
  1. Specify the user name and proceed.
  1. Assign the AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy from the “Attach policies directly” option.
  1. After creating the user, create an Access Key from the Security Credentials screen .
  2. Save the Access Key and Secret Access Key information somewhere.

This information is displayed only once.

Defining Save Source

  1. Source Type → AWS
  2. Name → File name
  3. Update Interval in Hour → Synchronization time
  4. Add the required information:
    • awsAccessKeyId
    • awsSecretAccessKey
    • bucketName
    • S3uri