Adding MD Editor Element

It is very easy to add the MD Editor element to your application. You need to follow the steps below to add the MD Editor element.

  1. In UI Design view, open the Elements panel on the left side.
  2. Drag MD Editor from the Display category to the screen and drop it.
  3. If you drag the MD Editor element to an empty space on the screen, it will be added with the Row element. If you drag it into a Column, only the MD Editor element will be added.
  4. You can make adjustments to the MD Editor element in the Properties panel.
  5. You can make style adjustments of the MD Editor element in the Style panel.

MD Editor only supports web applications. It does not support mobile applications.

In MD Editor, which is added to the screen, you can make textual edits directly in the element without previewing on the UI view mode. For example, users can style texts with formatting such as bold, italic, underlined.

Textual formatting methods are given below:

  1. Add Bold Text : You can make the text bold.
  2. Add Italic Text : You can write the text in italics.
  3. Add Strikethrough Text : You can cross out the text.
  4. Insert HR : You can add a horizontal separator line.
  5. Insert Title : You can format the text as a title. You can create different levels of titles using the # (sharp) sign. For example, # Title 1, ## Title 2, etc.
  6. Add a Link : You can insert links in the text.
  7. Insert a Quote : You can make quotations in the text.
  8. Insert an Image : You can add visual content into the editor.
  9. Code Blocks : You can add code samples and code blocks.
  10. Footnotes : It can offer features for adding footnotes and references.
  11. Live Code : Used to run live code from a Markdown document and view the results.
  12. Preview Code : Used to preview the Markdown document so you can view the final version of the document.
  13. Fullscreen : Makes the editor window fullscreen, giving you a larger workspace so you can easily write and edit.