Adding Master Screen

Screens panel on the left side is used to add and manage Master Screen in your application. Screens panel consists of two sections, Screens and Master Screen.

Click the + icon button next to the Master Screen title. Create a name for the Master Screen on the modal that opens.

Master Screen comes with Header and Vertical stack on the left panel by default.

In Master Screen, the middle area remains empty for screens where the template is added and no elements can be added.

While in the Master Screen, you can use the ADD SCREEN button to create a new screen using the open template.

After clicking ADD SCREEN, a Blank screen appears with the Master Screen screen selected. In this screen, screen naming and screen authorization (All Roles Access, Anonymous Access) should be selected.

At the end of the necessary selection and screen naming, you will create the screen you want to add to the center area by clicking the CREATE button.

After clicking the CREATE button, the screen you created opens automatically.

In the created Employee screen, the user can make element or editing operations only in the middle area. For example, in the Blank screen created, no changes were made in the Header, Footer and Left menu of the Master Screen (element deletion, addition, etc.) and the table element could be added in the middle area.

If you wish, it is possible to define the Employee screen as a normal screen instead of Master Screen. For this, None must be selected from the selectbox in the Master Page field.

After selecting None, the left and header elements in the Kuika, Master Screen property will be removed and only the Table element added to the center area will be displayed.