Adding Image

You can add the Image element to the screen with drag and drop from the Elements panel. If you drag it to an empty area on the screen, it will be added with the Row element. If you drag it into a Column, you will only add the Image element.

If you have a custom icon set, you can add it with Image / Uploaded Images. Basically, formats such as PNG, JPG, SVG will be displayed directly in both your Web and Native iOS apps. However, SVG format images will not be displayed in your Native Android apps. For this, you must upload it in Android Vector Drawable - XML format. When adding the relevant static image, you must upload it in both .svg and .xml formats with the same name (HamburgerMenu.svg / HamburgerMenu.xml). When Kuika develops the code for Android and iOS, it checks this name and selects the relevant format according to the device.

Image element supports mobile and web applications.