After logging in to the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
In the “UI Design” (1) module, drag and drop the Image element (4) under the “Display” (3) category from the “Elements” (2) panel on the left edge.
Then click Value from the “Properties” panel on the right side. Select “Uploaded Images” from the drop-down menu. There are “ADD IMAGE” and “GENERATE WITH AI” buttons in the image library.
ADD IMAGE: You can add images from your device by drag and drop or by selecting them from your computer.
GENERATE WITH AI: When you click on the button, a chatbot opens. As a result of the definition sentences you write to the chatbot, artificial intelligence generates images that are not available in browsers. To add the generated images to the Image Library, you can click the download icon on the top right corner of each image to add the image to the library.
If you drag the Image element to an empty space on the screen, it will be added with the Row element. However, if you drag it into a Column, only the Image element will be added.
If you have your own custom icon set, you can add it with Image or Uploaded Images options. Image formats such as PNG, JPG and SVG are displayed directly in both your Web and Native iOS apps. However, SVG format images cannot be displayed in Native Android apps. For this, you must upload images in Android Vector Drawable - XML format. When adding the corresponding static image, you must upload both .svg and .xml formats with the same name. Kuika checks this name when developing code for Android and iOS and selects the appropriate format for the device.
The Kuika platform accesses photos stored in base64 format through the ID of the table so that it does not slow down the network.