Adding Horizontal Stack

‍It is very easy to add the Horizontal Stack element to your application. You need to follow the steps below to add the Horizontal Stack element.

  1. In UI Design view, open the Elements panel on the left side.
  2. In the Elements panel, select Horizontal Stack from the Container category.
  3. Drag and drop the Horizontal Stack element to the screen.
  4. You can customize the Horizontal Stack element in the Properties panel.
  5. When you drag and drop the Horizontal Stack element to an empty space on the screen, it automatically comes with Row/Column. You can drag and drop the Horizontal Stack element into a Row/Column or Panel element.

You can add a Vertical Stack element inside the Horizontal Stack element.

You can add the Horizontal Stack element into elements such as:

  • Row,
  • Panel,
  • Input (Textinput, Currency, Selectbox, Checkbox and Switch)