Adding Collapse

It is very easy to add the Collapse element to your application. You need to follow the steps below to add the Collapse element:

  1. In UI Design view, open the Elements panel on the left side.
  2. In the Elements panel, select Collapse from the Container category.
  3. Drag and drop the Collapse element to the screen.
  4. You can customize the Collapse element in the Properties panel.

Collapse only supports Web applications. It does not support mobile applications.

Clicking on one of the headers of the Collapse element opens the detail panel. You can add a direct element here or you can create more complex sections by adding rows.

Collapse element, like other elements, must be added into a Container element. Although we generally design the screen by adding it into Row, it can also be added into other Container type elements.

You can add other elements except Header and Footer elements into the Collapse panel with drag and drop.