Add Row Element

  1. After logging in to the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  1. In the “UI Design” (1) module, drag and drop the Row element (4) under the “Container” (3) category from the “Elements” (2) panel on the left side to the screen.

You can use the Row element as much as you want on the screen. There is no usage limit.

Row, Horizontal Stack, Vertical Stack, Label, Button, Text Input, Number Input, Icon, Panel, Image, MDViewer, Video Player, Progress Bar, Progress Circle, Badge, Location Search, Email, Text Area, Auto Complete, Select Box, Slider, Range Slider, Check Box, Switch, Date, You can use Date Time, Year Picker, Countdown, Area Chart, Donut Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, Bar Chart, Rate, Web View, Signature, Chat, Table, Gallery View, Carausel, Pagination, Flex Grid and google maps elements as Child elements in Row element.

Since the Panel element can be added as a Child element in the Row element, you can dynamically change the background. Accordingly, you can add dynamic color and/or image to the background.

‍Header and Footer elements cannot be used as Child elements in the Row element.