Add Read NFC Action

  1. Open the “Elements” (2) panel on the left edge of the “UI Design” (1) module.
  2. Drag and drop the “Button” (3) element on the screen.
  3. Then open the “Properties” panel on the right side to add a “Read NFC” action to the “Button” element.
  1. Add the action “Initial Actions > Device > Read NFC” from the “+ADD ACTION” drop-down menu.

The Read NFC action only reads the unique identification number (ID) on NFC tags or cards.

  1. After adding the action, you can preview your application by clicking the “RUN” button in the upper right corner.
  1. When you see the main screen, click on the “Read NFC” button.

     7. When you see the “Ready for Scanning” pop-up after clicking the button, you can complete the scanning process by scanning the NFC tag or card to the camera for Android devices, or by bringing it close to the back of the phone for iOS devices.