1. Authorization on Elements

Element authorization controls a specific user's right to access only specified elements. Users can view or edit certain fields according to the roles assigned to them.

1.1. Creating a Role

  1. Log in to the Kuika platform and select your project from the Apps screen.
  2. In the UI Design module, add and select an element from the Elements panel.
  3. In the Authorization field in the Properties panel, disable the All Roles Access Switch option.
  1. Click the +NEW ROLE button under the Roles heading.
  1. Enter the role name and save it by clicking the CREATE button.

The roles you created are stored in the KRole table in the Datasources module. You can write SQL queries using the KUserRole table to find out which role users are in.

1.2. Element Visibility by Roles

  • To make an element viewable only by a specific role, add that role in the Authorization field.
  • If you want the element to be viewable only, disable the Hide Switch property.

1.3. Assigning Start Screen by Roles

  • Select the role in the Select Box to select the start screen depending on the user's role.
  • Complete the setting by clicking the CREATE button.

If all roles need to view the same elements, activate the All Roles Access Switch option. You can use the Anonymous Access Switch option to provide access without requiring login.