1. Add Confirmation to Actions

To add Confirmation to actions, click on the three dots icon on the action you want to add Confirmation to.

Aksiyonlar Sekmesi Ekran Görüntüsü

Click Add Confirmation in the drop-down menu.

Confirmation ekleme ekran görüntüsü

A Text Input Box under the Confirmation Message title was automatically added to the related action.

Confirmation Message Metin Giriş Kutusu

You can add the confirmation message you want to add specific to the action via the Text Input Box under the Confirmation Message heading. The Text Input Box comes with the Confirm message by default. You can add the confirmation message you want to add by deleting Confirm.

Örnek Confirmation ekranı ekran görüntüsü

The Confirmations you add are shown on the screen where the action is running as a Pop-up during the running process of the action.