The Sign Up action on the Kuika platform is used to create a new user registration. This action allows users to register with the application and create their own account. Once the user has entered the required information (e.g. email, password), the registration process is initiated through this action. Once the registration process is complete, the user gains access to the system and can access all functionalities within the application.
This training content consists of the following topics:
Then configure the following fields:
3. Click the SAVE button to complete the configuration.
Designer 1 course aims to improve your design skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Builder 1 course aims to increase your development skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Builder 2 course aims to introduce advanced development methods using Kuika's visual interface tools.
Process Automation course aims to increase your workflow development skills on the Kuika Low-code platform.
Designer 2 course offers content for preparing advanced interface designs on the Kuika Low-code platform.