System Actions
Authorization Action

Is Logged In

Is Logged In

The Is Logged In action on the Kuika platform is used to check whether a specific user is logged in to the system. This action determines the active session status of the user and ensures that the login requirements within the application are managed correctly. Verifying whether a user is logged in is critical for security and access controls.

Is Logged In action is supported in web and mobile applications.

Add Is Logged In Action

  1. Log in to the Kuika platform.
  2. Open the project you will work on from the Apps screen.
  3. Switch to the UI Design module.
  4. Open the Properties panel on the right side.
  1. Follow these steps from the+ADD ACTION drop-down menu:
    • Initial Actions → Authorization → Is Logged In.
  2. Click the SAVE button to complete the configuration.

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