System Actions
Condition actions

If Then Else

If Then Else

The user first specifies an action result and checks whether it is equal or empty by selecting one of the Is Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Is Empty or Is Not Empty options in the select input below this action result and according to the result of this condition, if it is true, the action(s) added to If Actions with the Add If button, if it is false, the action(s) added to Else Actions with the Add Else button are executed. When defining an action in If or Else condition, else if can be defined in these conditions by adding IfThenElse action.

For example, if ReadFromLocalStorage action and Is Not Empty condition is selected as the condition of this action, depending on this condition, if there is the desired key value in Local Storage, the action specified in the If block is executed. If there is no desired key value in Local Storage, the action specified in the Else block is executed by entering the Else block.

Select the element to add an action. Click +Add Action under Properties panel.(A)

Click OnClick → Condition → If Then Else and add the If Then Else action.(A)

  • Action Result: Select the action to be specified for the desired condition.
  • Select Input: Is Equal To, Is Not Equal To, Is Empty or Is Not Empty options are used to specify the condition.
  • If Actions: Select the action(s) to be executed if the condition is true.
  • Else Actions: Select the action(s) to be executed if the condition is false.

Used to select the parameter input method of the Symbol Picker (B) action within the added action.

IfThenElse action is an action that can be accessed by all users logged in to the platform.

You can perform various operations for the added actions via Context Menu (C).

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. In this way, you will gain speed where action repetition is required.

You can add a message for the user with the Add Confirmation option,

With Add Condition you can link this message to a condition.

With Remove option you can easily delete the added action.

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