System Actions
Process Administration Action

Get Process Steps

Get Process Steps

Get Process Steps action is an action that takes a Process Id and lists all the steps passed in that process.

It is similar to the Get Process History action in Process Automation actions. The only difference between the Get Process Step action and the Get Process History action is that in Process Step, all the steps of the Process are displayed, while in the Process history action, only the steps in which the users took part are returned. For example, let's assume that there is a permission process. In this process, with the Process history action, the finished state of the situation in which the request created by the user is approved by the manager and the manager approves it to the HR manager is displayed. However, with the Get Process action, all other details between the approval processes are displayed. For example, even if everything in the Process Automation schema is not meaningful for the user, it is meaningful for the admin, so it is displayed with the Get Process Steps action.

Select the element to add an action to. Click +Add Action under the Properties panel. (A)

Click OnClick --> Process Administration --> GetProcess Steps and add the GetProcess Steps action. (A)

Get Process Step action comes with Process Id parameter.

  • Process ID represents a unique identification number of a business process.

Click Symbol Picker (B) to fill in the parameters in the added action.

You can perform various operations for the added actions via Context Menu (C).

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. This way you will gain speed where action repetition is required.

With the Add Confirmation option, you can add a confirmation message for the action to work,

With Add Condition, you can specify that the action you add works in line with a certain condition,

With the Remove option you can easily delete the added action.

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