System Actions
Process Administration Action

Get Process Instances

Get Process Instances

The Get Process Instances action is used to list the status and details of all business processes in the system. This is useful for providing an overview and managing all process instances. It offers the ability to filter business processes according to specific criteria. For example, you can retrieve business processes from a specific date range or list business processes with a specific status. It can be used to meet the need to manage multiple business processes in bulk. For example, it can be used to batch terminate or report on business processes with a status of Completed.

Select the element to add an action to. Click +Add Action under the Properties panel. (A)

Click OnClick--> Process Administration--> Get Process Instances and add the Get Process Instances action. (A)

Get Process Instances action comes with status, App, Page, Page Size, Search Key, Created From, CreatedTo parameters.

  • Status:

Used to determine the status of business processes. For example; It can filter between states such as Completed, In Progress, Pending.

  • App:

Specifies the related application. It is used to retrieve the status of business processes within a specific application.

  • Page:

Used for paging. Determines which page to retrieve in the total result set.

  • Page Size:

Determines how many items are shown per page. This parameter controls how many business process instances are shown on a page.

  • Search Key:

Used to filter business processes according to specific criteria. For example, it can be used to search by the name or a property of a specific process.

  • CreatedFrom Parametresi:

Created From is a parameter used for filtering. This parameter specifies the creation date of the process instances. Process instances after the date specified by the Created From parameter are retrieved. That is, it provides a filter that includes transactions after this date.

  • CreatedTo Parametresi:

CreatedTo is again a parameter used for filtering. This parameter also specifies the creation date of the transaction samples. CreatedTo parameter retrieves transaction samples up to the date specified with the parameter. That is, it provides a filter that includes transactions up to this date.

Click Symbol Picker (B) to fill in the parameters in the added action.

You can perform various operations for the added actions via Context Menu (C).

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. This way you will gain speed where action repetition is required.

With the Add Confirmation option, you can add a confirmation message for the action to work,

With Add Condition, you can specify that the action you add works in line with a certain condition,

With the Remove option you can easily delete the added action.

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