System Actions
Payment Actions

Check Payment Intent Status

Check Payment Intent Status

Kuika's Check Payment Intent Status action is used to check the status of a payment request on Stripe. With Check Payment Intent Status, you can track whether transactions have been completed successfully or if there is still an ongoing process.

With this action:

  • You can instantly query the status of payment transactions on Stripe.
  • By approving successful payments, you can ensure that the user experience continues uninterrupted.
  • By detecting ongoing or unsuccessful transactions, you can notify the user accordingly.

For example, when a customer initiates a payment transaction, the payment status can be queried quickly and securely through this action.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to check the payment status on Stripe using the Check Payment Intent Status action.

Check Payment Intent Status action is supported in web and mobile applications.

Add Check Payment Intent Status Action

  1. Log in to the Kuika platform.
  2. Open the project you will work on from the Apps screen.
  3. While in the UI Design module, open the Properties panel on the right side.
  1. Select Initial Actions → Payment → Stripe → Check Payment Intent Status from the +ADD ACTION drop-down menu.
  2. In the settings panel that opens, configure the following field:
  • Payment Intent: Enter the unique ID number of the payment transaction initiated on the Stripe platform.

After completing these steps, the Check Payment Intent Status action will be successfully added. Thus, you can instantly track the status of payment transactions on Stripe and check whether the transactions have been successfully completed.

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