Publishing an iOS app

To publish your iOS application on the App Store, you must first have an Apple Developer account.

  • Open your App Developer account.
  • Click Identifiers.
  • On the screen that opens, click the + icon next to Identifiers.
  • Select APP IDs. Then click the Continue button.
  • Select the Identifier type.
  • Fill in the Register app field. It is important to fill in the Bundle Id and Description fields in this field. Application capabilities should be selected from the Capabilities field.
  • On the Register an App ID screen, fill in the Description, Bundle ID fields and click Continue.
  • You must verify the App ID created with Confirm your App ID. Click the Register button for this.
  • Then switch to Apple Connect.
  • In App Store Connect, click the + icon on the Apps screen and create a new App.
  • Then enter the information for Platforms, Name, Primary Language, Bundle Id, SKU and User Access.
  • Platforms:

In this field, you must choose on which platforms your app will run. Usually iOS is selected, but it may also be possible to select other platforms such as tvOS or watchOS.

  • Name:

You must enter the name of your application here. This is the application name visible to users and must be unique.

  • Primary Language:

You need to specify the primary language of your application. This determines how your app will function in terms of language support for localisation.

  • Bundle Identifier:

This represents the unique ID of your application. It helps your application to be recognised by the operating system. It usually starts with the reverse domain name, for example com.companyname.applicationname.

  • SKU (Stock Keeping Product):

SKU defines the category and type of product your application is in. It is especially important for e-commerce applications and provides a unique identification of products.

  • User Access:

User access helps you identify the countries and regions where the app is published. Users can only view and download your app in these regions.

This information is essential when uploading your app to the App Store. You should also set up other details through App Store Connect, such as your app's promotion, pricing policy, and more. The reviews and approval process requires you to make sure this information is accurate and complete so that your app can be published smoothly.

It is important to note here that the Bundle Id cannot be changed again.

  • Now click on the Create button.
  • Then open the platform to switch to the application you developed in Kuika.
  • Click Configuration Manager view mode from the Header in the application.
  • Name the configuration manager and click the Create button.
  • Then click on the IOS option and activate Support IOS UI Switch.
  • Under the App Store Settings heading, click ADD NEW.
  • Fill in the information on the App Store Connect Api Setting screen according to your application and developer account information.
  • Then click the General heading on the left in your Apple Developer account.
  • Fill in the Promotional Text, Description, Keywords, Support URL, Marketing URL, Version, Copyright, Routing App Coverage File fields under the General category. These fields play an important role in how your app will appear in the App Store and how it interacts with users.

Promotional Text:

  • This is a short piece of text that introduces your app.
  • It's a short advertising slogan that appears next to your app's title in the App Store.
  • It usually emphasises the main features or attractions of your app.


  • Contains a detailed description of your application.
  • It gives potential users information about what your application does, the advantages and features it offers.
  • A good description is important to attract users and give them a clear understanding of your app.


  • Keywords are the keywords used to increase the availability of your app in the App Store.
  • Potential users can use these keywords when searching for an app.
  • Choosing the right keywords can help your app reach the right people.

Support URL:

  • This is a web address where users are directed to ask questions about your app or get support.
  • It is usually a URL with the application's support page or help documentation.

Marketing URL:

  • This is a web address that redirects to a special marketing page for your app.
  • Users can click on this link to learn more about your app or access additional resources.


  • Specifies the current version number of your app.
  • When you release a new version, this number increments and is used to track updates.


  • This contains the copyright information for your app.
  • It usually contains the company name or the name of the developer of your app.

Routing App Coverage File:

  • This is a file that specifies how your app is to be used in navigation apps (for example, map apps).
  • When using your application's geolocation services, you can use this file to customise routing in specific geographic areas.


  • This section allows developers to manage the versions used to add their iOS apps to the App Store.
  • Developers can upload test versions and ready-to-deploy versions of the app here.
  • Uploaded versions are listed in the developer's dashboard and can be prepared for submission to the App Store.
  • Version numbers, changelogs, and other details are managed in this section.

Game Center:

  • Game Centre is a service that provides cross-game social features on the iOS platform.
  • Players can share games with friends, earn achievements, and compete with other players on leaderboards.
  • Developers can provide a richer experience for players by adding Game Centre integration to their games.
  • Game Centre makes it easier for players to connect on social networks and interact in-game.
  • Both sections provide important tools and features to ensure that apps can be managed effectively by developers. The Build section enables control of app versions, while Game Centre facilitates cross-game interaction and social connections. These sections enable developers to successfully manage their apps and provide richer experiences for users.

App Review Information:

  • This section contains information for Apple to consider when reviewing your app.
  • It is used to provide the review team with information about your app's specific features, compliance with content policies, and so on.
  • This information is important to speed up the approval process and ensure that your app is added to the App Store smoothly.

Version Release:

  • This section is used when adding or updating a new app version to the App Store.
  • Release notes contain changes, added features, fixed bugs, and other important information that come with the new version of the app.
  • This section also includes the release date of a new version, the version number, and any important update information.
  • Users can know about the latest version of the app, and the developer informs its users about updates.
  • These two sections play an important role in the process of adding, updating, and reviewing your app in the App Store. Providing transparent information that complies with Apple's policies can help your app build credibility with users and contribute to its successful performance on the App Store.
  • Then fill in the required fields in the App Information field.

Localizable Information:

This section contains some basic information about your app as it appears in the App Store, and often includes information for multiple languages and regions.


  • This is the field where the name of the related application is entered.
  • It appears as the title of the application in the App Store.
  • It creates the first impression of the users about the application.


  • It is used to add additional information or description to the application name.
  • Depending on the need, it can be used to further explain the main name of the application or to emphasise a specific feature.

General Information:

Bundle ID:

Represents a unique identifier of the application.

It helps to distinguish between different versions of an application or other applications from the same developer.

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit):

It is the unit used for stock management and internal tracking of the application.

SKU is often used in internal business processes and accounting applications.

Apple ID:

It represents a unique identifier of the application determined by Apple.

It is used to create a special page of the application in the App Store.

Content Rights:

Contains information about rights and restrictions related to the content of the application.

May include copyright, terms of use and licence information.

Age Rating:

  • Indicates for which age groups the app is intended.
  • This rating provides a preliminary indication that the app's content is intended for appropriate age groups.
  • This is basic information that developers should provide when adding or updating their apps to the App Store.

Each term has an important role that affects the promotion, management, and user experience of the app.

  • Complete the Pricing and Availability fields. The Pricing and Availability fields contain information such as your app's pricing, pricing plans, and availability in the App Store.
  • Fill in the fields under the App Privacy category.

Click the Get started button to fill in the fields under the App Privacy category.

After completing the confirmation on the screen that opens, click the Next button.

After making the necessary selections, click the Save button.

  • After all required fields under General category are filled, Features fields should be filled.


The Features section typically provides information about specific features and functions of applications that the developer has developed for the various platforms offered by Apple (e.g., iOS, macOS).

This section is an area that the developer can use to promote the application, highlight it and impress potential users. This category includes In-App Purchases, Subscriptions, App Store Promotions, In App Events, Custom Product Pages.

  • In-App Purchases:

It refers to additional paid transactions that users can perform to access certain features, content or services within the application.

  • Subscriptions:

It is a feature that allows users to access content or features within the application for a certain fee for a certain period of time.

  • App Store Promotions:

Campaigns and promotions used to feature the app in the App Store. This may include featuring the app on the home page or in a specific category for a certain period of time.

  • Custom Product Pages:

These are pages created specifically to promote and market a particular product, feature or service. This is used to emphasise a particular feature or content to users.

  • In App Events:

These are features that enable users to participate in certain activities within the application and to gain access to benefits specific to these activities.

  • Product Page Optimization:

The process of optimising the app's product page on the App Store. This may include improving page titles, descriptions, screenshots and other elements to attract more users and increase the potential of the app.

These descriptions generally refer to strategic and marketing-oriented concepts such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, promotions in the App Store, custom product pages, in-app events, and product page optimisation. However, as I mentioned, the specific meaning of these terms may change depending on Apple's current policies and specifications.

Then click Create Test and fill in the fields.

  • You will be notified of the review result via email.
  • If the review is positive, you can access your app via the App Store.

If the application publishing type is public, the application will be displayed in the store.

  • You complete the publishing process.