Multi Schema Usage Scenarios

  1. Project Based Data Management

To manage multiple projects, it is important that each project has its own data structure. Using Multi Schema, you can create a separate schema for each project and manage project-specific data in isolation. Multi Schema prevents data confusion and enables reports and analysis specific to the needs of your projects. For example, when a software development company develops custom applications for different customers, they can create a separate schema for each customer and manage the data of the projects independently.

  1. Large Scale Applications

Large-scale applications often involve a large number of users and data sources. With Multi Schema, it becomes possible to create customized data structures for different user groups in these applications. Each user group can access only relevant data using its own schema. For example, an e-commerce platform can create custom database structures for different user segments (e.g. wholesalers and retail customers). Wholesale buyers can only access data on large orders, while retail customers can only see their own orders.

  1. Development and Production Environments

During the development process, it is critical for developers to distinguish between test data and real data. Using Multi Schema, different schemas can be created for the development and production environments of an application, eliminating the risk of mixing test transactions with real data. For example, a mobile app developer can use a separate schema to test the Beta version of the app.

  1. Data Backup and Recovery

By using Multi Schema, you can make your data backup and recovery processes more efficient. By managing each schema with different backup policies, you can protect your critical data and recover it quickly when needed. For example, a financial institution can differentiate the backup strategy of each by keeping customer data and transaction history in separate schemas.The Multi Schema feature is an important tool in Kuika Platform that makes data management more flexible and effective. You have learned how you can use it in the scenarios mentioned above, in different industries and use cases.