Making Layout Settings in Elements

By using Layout in elements, you can easily make visual adjustments such as padding and sizing. You can edit the Layout settings by following the steps below:

Step 1: Click on the Element

Activate the element you want to edit by selecting it from the screen.

Step 2: Open the Styling Panel

Open the Styling Panel on the right side to adjust the visual settings for the selected element.

Step 3: Padding Settings

  • Go to the Padding section in the Layout area.
  • Set the internal spaces by entering the required values for the top (Top), bottom (Bottom), right (Right) and left (Left) sides of the element.

Step 4: Size Settings

  • Go to Size in the Layout area.
  • Enter the width (Width) and height (Height) of the element.
  • You can define the values in px (fixed pixel size) or % (ratio-based size) format.

Step 5: Min Size Settings

  • Min Size specifies the minimum width and height to which an element can be reduced.
  • Go to Min Size in the Layout area and enter the appropriate values and select px or % as the unit.

Step 6: Max Size Settings

  • Max Size determines the maximum width and height of an element.
  • Go to Max Size in the Layout field and enter the required values and select px or % as the unit.

Step 7: Align Settings

  • With the Align option you can set the alignment of the element.
  • Vertical Alignment: Up, down or centered.
  • Horizontal Alignment: Left, right or centered.

Step 8: Display (Display Format)

  • Use the Display settings to determine the position of the element in the Container it is in.
    • Block: Allows the element to be placed alone on the line where it is located.
    • Inline: Allows elements to appear side by side.

The properties in Layout may vary depending on the element type. Some elements may have all Layout properties available, while others may have a limited number of properties active.

With these steps, you can effectively adjust the Layout settings to ensure the visual harmony of the elements.