Google Blockly Properties

Kuika's Google Blockly module contains different categories of blocks. With these blocks, you can easily perform operations such as logic controls, loops, mathematical operations and data management.

1. Logic

  • Feature Used to control the program flow.
  • Content: You can create conditional statements with logical blocks like “if”, “and”, “not”.
  • Example: It can perform the specified operation when a certain condition is met.

2. Loops

  • Feature: Allows to execute a given code more than once.
  • Content: The “while” loop runs as long as a certain condition is met. The “repeat times do” block repeats the operation the specified number of times.

3. Math

  • Feature Allows operations with numbers.
  • Content: It includes mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square rooting.

4. Text

  • Feature Used to process text data.
  • Content: You can perform operations such as text concatenation, length measurement, character search and subtext extraction.
  • Example: The “is empty” block checks whether a text is empty or not.

5. Lists

  • Feature: Allows you to store multiple items together.
  • Content: Supports operations such as adding items to the list, sorting the list, accessing a specific item.
  • Example: The “length of” block returns the length of a list.

6. Colors (Colour)

  • Properties: Allows you to perform operations related to colors.
  • Content: You can create and use colors with RGB, HEX or fixed colors.
  • Example: With the “blend color” block you can blend two colors to get a new color.

7. Variables

  • Feature: Used to temporarily store data in the program.
  • Content: Numbers, text or other types of data can be held in variables.

8. Functions

  • Feature: Allows you to use a specific operation over and over again.
  • Content: Functions can take parameters, perform operations and return results.
  • Example: The “to do something” block makes a specific operation a function.

9. Kuika Parameters

There are various data types and parameters used in the Kuika platform. These are

  • datetime: Date and time data
  • boolean True/false value
  • decimal Decimal numbers

These parameters are used as input for the related actions. If you want to use an action, you must fill these parameters completely and correctly. Missing or incorrect parameters may prevent the action from working properly.

Thanks to Google Blockly, you can develop functions quickly and efficiently using block-based programming on the Kuika platform. 🚀