Gallery View Element Properties

You can add text inside the Gallery View element. You can give role based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.

No Data Found Message: You can add a placeholder message to preview and display at runtime in cases where no dynamic data is bound to the Gallery View element in Kuika.

Datasource : It is the field where you select the data source from which the elements in the table will be fed.

Row Bg Color : You can change the row background color when the cursor hovers over the row.

Loading : You can make the loading image appear during the loading of the content.

Phone Columns Count : You can set how many columns the element will be displayed side by side on the phone screen width. By default, it comes set to be 1 column.

Table Columns Count : You can set how many columns the element will be displayed side by side on the tablet screen width. It comes predefined as 2 columns by default.

Desktop Columns Count : You can set how many columns the element will be displayed side by side on the computer screen width. By default, it comes with 3 columns.

Hover Font Color : You can set the color change of the font in the grid when the cursor is dragged over the relevant grid.

Hover Bg Color : You can set the background color change of the grid when the cursor is dragged over the related grid.

Horizontal Gutter : You can adjust the space between columns.

Vertical Gutter : You can adjust the space between rows.