Configure Swagger API Connection Settings

  1. After clicking the “CREATE” button, go to the “Connection Settings” section on the screen that opens.
  2. Enter the“Swagger URL” and “Service Base URL” information.
  3. Then select one of the authentication types from the “Authentication Type” drop-down menu.

If “No Auth” is selected as the authentication type, there is no need to do any configuration.

Swagger API Configuration Settings with “Bearer” as Authentication Type

  1. Select the “Bearer” authentication type from the Authentication Type drop-down menu.
  2. Kuika generates the value for the “Username” parameter by default when you select the Bearer authentication type.
  3. You can add custom parameters using the“Custom” option.
  4. Enter parameter information as key and value pair. (For example, Key: “client_id”, Value: “your_client_id”)
  5. Click the “CREATE”button in the upper right corner.

Configuration Settings with “Basic” as Swagger API Authentication Type

  1. Select the “Basic” authentication type from the Authentication Type drop-down menu.
  2. Enter your username and password in the“Username” and “Password” fields.
  3. You can add custom parameters using the“Custom” option.
  4. Check the automatically generated “{BasicAuthToken}” value for Basic Authentication.
  5. Click the “CREATE” button in the upper right corner.

Configuration Settings with “API Key” as Swagger API Authentication Type

  1. Select the “API Key” authentication type from the Authentication Type drop-down menu.
  2. To use the API Key authentication type, provide the following information:some text
    • ID key name: Enter the key name that represents the client ID. (For example, “client_id”)
    • ID Enter the client ID.
    • Secret key name: Enter the key name that represents the client secret key. (For example, “client_secret”)
    • Secret: Enter the client secret key.
  3. You can add custom parameters using the“Custom” option.
  4. Click on the “CREATE” button in the upper right corner.