Configure Send Mail Parameters

  1. Click on the drop-down menu “+ ADD OPTIONAL PARAMETER” (1).
  1. Configure the following parameters from the drop-down menu:
    • Sender: Used to determine who sent the email.
    • CC: Allows the sender to send a “carbon copy” of the email to someone other than the primary mail recipient.
    • BCC: Same function as CC, but if you want to keep the carbon copy recipients private, enter the desired user e-mail addresses in the BCC field.
    • Attachment File Name: If you want to upload a file as an attachment to the e-mail to be sent, this is the field to specify the file name. This is the field where the file name will be specified if you want to upload a file as an attachment to the e-mail you want to send. For example, when a PDF file is attached, if the file name is given as “sample.pdf”, it will be sent with the PDF extension.
    • Attachment Base64: It allows you to specify the content information of the file to be attached to the e-mail to be sent in Base64 format.
    • Language: Allows you to specify the language of the e-mail content.

  2. Then click the “SAVE” (2) button to complete the configuration process.