Configure Rest API Connection Settings

  1. After clicking the CREATE button, open the Connection Settings section.
  2. Enter the Service Base URL information.
  3. Select the authentication type from the Authentication Type drop-down menu.
    • No additional action is required when No Auth is selected.

Rest API Authentication Types

1. Bearer Authentication

  1. Select Bearer from the Authentication Type drop-down menu.
  2. Kuika creates the Username parameter by default.
  3. You can add custom parameters using the Custom option.
  4. Enter parameter information as key-value pairs (Example: Key: client_id, Value: your_client_id)
  5. Save by clicking the CREATE button.

2. Basic Authentication

  1. Select Basic from the Authentication Type drop-down menu.
  2. Enter Username and Password.
  3. You can add custom parameters using the Custom option.
  4. Check the automatically generated “{BasicAuthToken}” value for Basic Authentication.
  5. Save by clicking the CREATE button.

3. API Key Authentication

  1. Select API Key from the Authentication Type drop-down menu.
  2. Enter the following information to use the API Key authentication type:
    • ID key name: Key name representing the client ID. (Example: client_id)
    • ID Client ID.
    • Secret key name: Key name representing the client secret key. (Example: client_secret)
    • Secret: Client secret key.
  3. You can add custom parameters using the Custom option.
  4. Save by clicking the CREATE button.

By following these steps, you can integrate the Rest API data source into your Kuika applications.