Configure MSSQL Settings Manually

  1. After clicking the "CREATE" button, configure the Server, Database, Authorization and Parameters fields of the database you want to connect from the screen that opens.

Related Fields for Configuration

  • Server (1) :Represents the MSSQL database server address. It should be the address or IP address of the server you want to connect to the database. For example, "Server=myServerAddress".
  • Database (2): Represents the name of the MSSQL database you want to connect to. Database should be the name of the specific database you want to connect to. For example, "Database=myDataBase".
  • Authorization (3):
  • User Id: Represents the user name that will be used to connect to the MSSQL database. For example, "User Id=myUsername".
  • Password :Represents the password that will be used to connect to the MSSQL database. For example, "Password=myPassword".
  • Parameters (4): You can fill in the parameters according to the needs of your application.