Configure Generate VCF Parameters

  1. + ADD OPTIONAL PARAMETER drop-down menu.
  2. Configure the following parameters from the drop-down menu:
  • Email: This is the field to enter the e-mail address.
  • Cell Tel: Field to enter the cell phone number.
  • Work Tel: Field to enter the work phone number.
  • Home Tel: This is the field where the home phone number will be entered.
  • Gender: This field indicates the gender of the user.
  • Photo: This is the field where the person will upload his/her photo. It must be addedin Base64 format.
  • Nick Name: If there is a nickname other than the official name, it is added with this parameter.
  • Note: It is used to add special notes or explanations about the person's profile.
  • Organization: This is the field to enter the name of the organization where the person works.
  • Role: This field defines the role of the person in the organization.
  • Title: This is the field where the title of the person is defined.
  • URL: This is the field that defines the personal website address of the person.
  • Work URL: A field used for work-related websites or profiles.
  • Home URL: Used for personal websites or social media profiles.
  • Address: This is the field to enter detailed address information including the person's personal or work address.

By following these steps, you can successfully configure the Generate VCF action on the Kuika platform.