Options: These are the options that are shaped according to the added system action and connected table contents. Event Title contents in the Calendar element come from the parameters in the Options field.some text
Action: In this field, the action that will receive the events coming to the calendar element is added.
Event Id Field: This is the parameter where the Event Id is selected.
Event Title: It is the parameter where the column that will appear as the event name on the calendar element is selected.
Start Date: It is the column parameter where the start date of the events is selected.
End Date: It is the parameter where the end date of the events is taken.
Event Color Hex: It is the field where the color in which the events will be displayed on the Calendar element is selected.
Calendar Start: It is the field where the start date settings to be displayed in the Calendar element are made.
Calendar End: This is the field where the end date settings to be displayed on the Calendar element are made.
Default Panel: Determines which view will be shown by default when the calendar is opened. To provide a better experience for users, you can set one of the month, week or day views as the default.
Display Event Time: Allows you to control whether to show the date and time information for events in the calendar.