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Calendar Element Properties

You can configure the following settings in the Properties panel:

  • Options: These are the options that are shaped according to the actions and linked table contents. Event Title contents come from the parameters in this field.
  • Action: Determines the action that will receive the events coming to the Calendar element.
  • Event Id Field: It is the parameter where the Event ID is selected.
  • Event Title: It is the parameter where the column that will appear as the event name is selected.
  • Start Date: Column where the start date of the events is taken.
  • End Date: Column where the end date of the events is taken.
  • Event Color Hex: Sets the color in which the events will be displayed.
  • Calendar Start: Sets the start date to be displayed in the Calendar element.
  • Calendar End: Sets the end date to be displayed in the Calendar element.
  • Panel: Sets the time range of the calendar (daily, weekly, monthly).
  • Display Event Time: Controls whether to display the date and time information of events in the calendar.