Building and Publishing the Application on IIS

Create a new application on IIS:

Frontend Setup

  1. Go to Sites > Add Web Site.
  2. Specify the site name, select the frontend files you installed under C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ as the physical path.
Web UI folder must be selected for frontend installation.
  1. If you are using an SSL certificate, select the connection type as HTTPS and specify port 443.
  2. Enter the domain name of your application as the host name.
The option “Require server name display” must be checked, because this allows you to determine which port will be forwarded to which URL.
  1. If you are using HTTPS protocol, continue by selecting the SSL certificate you have added to your server from the SSL Certificate field.
  2. To make sure that the Frontend is running, click on the link in the “Browse website” section on the right panel of IIS.

So you can see that Frontend is working.

Backend Setup

  1. Create a new site for the backend with similar steps and enter a different domain.
  2. Specify the site name, select the backend files you installed under C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ as the physical path.
  3. If you are using an SSL certificate, select the connection type as HTTPS and specify port 443.
  4. Enter the domain name you specified for the backend as the hostname.
  5. Right click on the application pool created for the backend from the application pools section and set Basic Settings > Edit Application Pool > Net CLR Version > No managed code.
  6. To make sure that the backend is running, click on the link in the “Browse website” section on the right panel of IIS.
  7. Check if the backend is working by adding “/swagger” to the link.

So you can see that the Backend is working.