You can define the type of format to be displayed with static/dynamic value settings. You can give role-based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options. Barcode Renderer's Properties panel contains Value, Format, Authorization, Visibility and Actions properties.
You can add a static value to the Value field, or you can use the Symbol Picker to dynamically add a status, Input element content or a value of an action result.
You can choose from the world standard Barcode formats.
Barcode Renderer; It will display it in the selected format with the value it receives from the Value section.
When the Barcode Renderer element is selected, Formatter comes with a drop-down menu in the properties panel.
The pop-up window contains barcode codes such as EAN13, UPC, EAN18, EAN15, CODE128A, CODE128B, CODE39, ITF14, MSI, MSI10, MSI11, MSI1010, MSI1110, Pharmacode, Code.